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Road Trip Snacks to Pack
Road Trip Snacks to Pack

Road Trip Snacks to Pack

Summer is prime time for hitting the road with family. But you don’t have to sacrifice nutrition for simplicity while traveling. Follow our tips for nourishing, portable snacks to take along for the ride!

Pack the Protein: Protein gives you energy and helps you feel satisfied, from exit to exit. Pack plenty of convenient protein-rich foods that won’t require prep or clean-up. Try protein bars, almonds, string cheese, hard-cooked eggs or squeezable yogurt.

Savory Snacks & Sweet Treats: Savory and sweet snacks are must-haves for road trips. Excellent choices for travel include popcorn, jerky, trail mix, roasted chickpeas, whole-grain cereal, granola bites or dark chocolate.

Fruits & Veggies: While any produce is a healthy option, not all travel well. Avoid those that bruise easily or stain. Good options include clementines, grapes, carrots, celery, radishes or snap peas. Bring dips for fun and flavor, such as hummus or nut butter and go for prepackaged store-bought ones for ease.

Don’t Forget to Hydrate! Drinks are a must since road trips are notoriously dehydrating. Don’t fret about making pitstops; those make for perfect excuses to stretch the legs and break the monotony. Bring along refillable water bottles, lemonade, coffee drinks, coconut water or low-sugar juice boxes for
the kids.

Storage Tips:

  • Keep your road trip grub in a wide plastic basket or tub, so you can both see and access your snacks easily.
  • Have a pack of paper towels, hand sanitizer and trash bags handy for cleaning up the car, and the kids.
  • Keep it cool. Coolers are perfect for prepared wraps, sandwiches or other items you want chilled. Block ice keeps longer than cubes, so try frozen gel packs, water bottles or jugs. Keep the cooler out of the sun and near an air-conditioning vent and cover with a heavy towel for better insulation.

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