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Halloween Crafts

Halloween Crafts

Halloween Crafts - Creepy

Creepy Creatures
Take empty toilet paper rolls and decorate with construction paper, markers or other embellishments. You can make little Frankensteins, Draculas, bats, ghosts, witches or whatever you are moved by the “spirit” to make!

Halloween Crafts - Batty

Go Batty!
Find some cardboard (old cereal boxes are terrific sources!), paint them black then find simple bat stencils online to trace then cut out. Attach a long fishing line or string and suspend from your interior doorways or along your front porch. You can suspend them to appear as if in flight or upside-down to mimic bats sleeping. Extra creepy fun: add eyes with glow-in-the-dark paint!

Paint a clay pot black or white, or use a vase, then scavenge some branches and plant them into the pot using soil, clay or foam floral block. Attach bats cut from felt, cardboard or foam and painted black, using fishing line or string and then set on your doorstep or in your entryway. (Bat patterns easily found online)!

Halloween Crafts - Mini

Decorate Mini Pumpkins or Gourds
Take an assortment of mini pumpkins or gourds and bling them out by brushing thinned glue over the entire pumpkin, or just the top half, then sprinkle with glitter. Or make funny versions with googly eyes, scraps of patterned Halloween fabric or little plastic spiders. You can also paint or use markers to make features on your pumpkins or gourds.

Ghostly Fun
Halloween Crafts - Leaf

Leaf Ghosts: For a craft for the younger set, gather some autumn leaves that are not too dried out or crumbly. Paint with white paint and once dry, paint on a circle mouth and dot eyes. You can hang them with fishing line or glue to a black sheet of paper.

Halloween Crafts - Tea Light

Tea Light Ghosts: Place a Styrofoam™  ball on top of a bottle, take a square of cheesecloth and soak in fabric stiffener (liquid laundry starch) and center the cloth over the bottle, allowing it to hang down over the sides. Leave to dry for several hours. You can paint on faces, or glue on googly eyes. For extra oomph, place over a tea light.

Halloween Crafts - Mummy

I Want My Mummy!
Make some fun mummies for Halloween using a clean can, jar or cardboard tube. Paint black and attach or paint on googly eyes. Then wrap with gauze, and secure with glue, making certain the eyes can peep out. For younger kids, cut out a cardboard mummy figure and give them masking tape to cover their mummy, then attach googly eyes or make some eyes with black marker.

Tip: to “age” mummies, smudge with a little brown eyeshadow.

Halloween Crafts - Doors

Halloween Door Décor
Make a Halloween wreath for your front door. Purchase a craft foam wreath and cover with burlap, black tissue or crepe paper, or Halloween-themed fabric. Secure in place with a glue gun for best results. (For adults!) Then attach using craft wire or fishing line objects such as pine cones spray painted orange or black, plastic jack o’lanterns or black cats, spiders or snakes or ghostly figures. You can go for a creepy or festive mood with your choices. For a whimsical wreath, cover the entire wreath surface with candies using a hot glue gun. Add a bow as a final touch.

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