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DIY Gifts: Cookie Jars

DIY Gifts: Cookie Jars
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DIY Gifts: Cookie Jars

Hot Chocolate Cookies

Prep: 20 minutes plus chilling & cooling
Bake: 12 minutes • Serves: 12 or 1 (32-ounce) gift jar

1-1/2 cups Best Yet® All-Purpose Flour
1/3 cup cornstarch
1/3 cup Best Yet® Powdered Sugar
1/4 cup Best Yet® Unsweetened Cocoa
3/4 cup Best Yet® Semi-Sweet Chocolate Chips
1/2 cup Best Yet® Mini Marshmallows
3 tablespoons coarsely chopped Best Yet® Starlight Mints
Festive decorations, label stickers, index card, string and small treat bags

1.Into 1-quart (32-ounce) wide-mouth glass jar, layer flour, cornstarch, cocoa powder and sugar in the order listed, packing as necessary. Place chocolate chips in a treat bag; secure with string. Carefully place bag of chocolate chips on top of sugar; seal jar. Place marshmallows and mints in separate treat bag; secure with string. Attach bag of marshmallows and mints to jar with string; add festive decorations and a gift tag with baking instructions.

Very Merry Chocolate-Coconut Oat Cookies

Prep: 25 minutes plus cooling
Bake: 15 minutes • Serves: 30 or 1 (32-ounce) gift jar

1 cup Best Yet® All-Purpose Flour
1 teaspoon baking soda
1/4 teaspoon baking powder
1/4 teaspoon Best Yet® Iodized Salt
1/2 cup Best Yet® Semi-Sweet Chocolate Chips
1 cup Best Yet® Old-Fashioned Oats
1/2 cup Best Yet® Granulated Sugar
1/2 cup Best Yet® Sweetened Flake Coconut
1/2 cup Best Yet® Light Brown Sugar
Festive decorations, label sticker and index card

1.Into 1-quart (32-ounce) wide-mouth glass jar, layer all ingredients in the order listed, packing
as necessary. Seal jar; add festive decorations and a gift tag with baking instructions.

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