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Better Choices for Your Sweet Valentine

Better Choices for Your Sweet Valentine

Valentine’s Day is a time to indulge in treats with loved ones. However, many traditional Valentine’s desserts tend to be loaded with sugar, fat and calories. With a few simple swaps, you can serve desserts on Valentine’s Day that look decadent and provide real nutritional value.

Better Choices for Your Sweet Valentine

Turn to the Dark Side
Start with dark chocolate instead of milk chocolate. Opt for chocolate with a cacao content of at least 70%, which contains less added sugar and more antioxidants than milk chocolate. Melt it down to dip fresh strawberries, or shave it over fresh raspberries or banana slices.

Better Choices for Your Sweet Valentine

Lure them with Skewers
Chocolate-dipped fruit kabobs make a healthy, fun and interactive dessert. Use your favorite in-season fruits like pineapple, mango, grapes or apple slices. Choose fruits high in vitamin C, like kiwi, oranges and grapefruit, for extra nutrition. Skewer and dip them in melted dark or white chocolate for a festive touch.

Better Choices for Your Sweet Valentine

Baking a batch of cookies, brownies or blondies? Add mix-ins like walnuts or cacao nibs, which provide healthy fats and minerals. Mix in dried goji berries, dried cherries or dark chocolate chips for an antioxidant and protein boost. And don’t forget to try swapping all-purpose flour for almond or coconut flour to increase nutrients. With endless healthy mix-in options, you can customize your treats to suit your taste and health goals.

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