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A Journey Through Nutrient-Dense Foods


A Journey Through Nutrient-Dense Foods

Getting the most health bang for your buck from the foods you eat starts with selecting nutrient-dense foods – those low in calories yet high in disease-fighting micronutrients like vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. Here are some of our favorite powerhouse foods to incorporate into your diet and your shopping cart as you make your way through your local grocery store aisles.

A Journey Through Nutrient-Dense Foods


Health Benefits: the smooth, creamy texture is attributed to their fat content, which is mainly heart-healthy monounsaturated fats; they’re also rich in plant sterols, a plant compound that has cholesterol-lowering properties.

Use It: slice on top of an omelet or whole grain toast; mash for guacamole; add to smoothies and ice pops.

A Journey Through Nutrient-Dense Foods


Health Benefits: refreshingly juicy citrus fruits, like oranges and grapefruits, are known for their high levels of vitamin C; they also offer many other important nutrients like potassium which helps maintain healthy blood pressure levels.

Use It: zest and juice to add to marinades, homemade vinaigrettes or cooked vegetables; segment and toss into a salad; chop for a citrus salsa.

A Journey Through Nutrient-Dense Foods


Health Benefits: full of protein and fiber, this “super bean” is a healthful substitute for high-fat protein sources; it’s also rich in folate, which is an important vitamin for a healthy pregnancy.

Use It: add shelled edamame to salads or a veggie-packed grain bowl; purée with sesame oil, garlic, ginger and lemon juice for an Asian-inspired hummus.

A Journey Through Nutrient-Dense Foods


Health Benefits: nutritious and versatile, this high-quality protein choice offers a variety of disease-fighting nutrients; the yolk is high in choline which aids in brain development and memory as well as zeaxanthin and lutein which contribute to vision protection.

Use It: serve poached over roasted asparagus sprinkled with Parmesan cheese; hard-cook for quick snacks.

A Journey Through Nutrient-Dense Foods


Health Benefits: a nutrient-rich powerhouse, this leafy green is an excellent source of vitamins A and C; like other greens it is high in vitamin K which is needed for healthy bones and for healing wounds.

Use It: make pesto; add to hot pasta and stir-fries; make snack chips; incorporate into smoothies.

A Journey Through Nutrient-Dense Foods


Health Benefits: full of flavor and crunch, this low-calorie veggie is loaded with vitamin C which helps support a healthy immune system. They also contain significant amounts of glucosinolates, which support the body’s own natural detoxification system.

Use It: slice into salads; pickle them; slice and sauté, then sprinkle with blue cheese & chives.

Debra Heverling
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