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How to Bulk Up Meat-Free Salads with Healthy & Satisfying Ingredients
How to Bulk Up Meat-Free Salads with Healthy & Satisfying Ingredients

How to Bulk Up Meat-Free Salads with Healthy & Satisfying Ingredients

Reducing meat intake lowers the risk of certain diseases such as heart disease, cancer and diabetes while improving health. Eating meat-free doesn’t mean eating bland or unsatisfying meals; you can beef up meals without the beef! Make flavorful and filling meatless salads with these veg-friendly ingredients.

Seasonal Produce: Aim for a colorful variety in your salads for maximum nutrition. Experiment with summer fruits and veggies like berries and mangoes, plus tomatoes, peppers, asparagus, cucumbers and corn to enjoy peak-season flavors and nutrition.

Legumes: Perfect for prepping in advance, legumes like beans and lentils are great plant-based sources of protein and fiber that make salads heartier and healthier. From black beans and pinto beans to chickpeas and lentils – the options are endless!

Whole Grains: Bursting with fiber, protein, B vitamins and antioxidants, whole grains lower blood pressure, boost energy levels and fill you up for longer. Couscous, quinoa, barley, bulgur, farro and wheat berries offer additional color, texture, flavor and health benefits in salads.

Hard-Cooked Eggs: Providing six grams of high-quality protein, plus selenium, riboflavin and vitamins D and B12, hard-cooked eggs are convenient to cook, store, peel and pop into salads.

Nuts & Seeds: Healthy plant-based protein sources and heart-smart fats, nuts and seeds diversify salads with their distinct, delicious crunch. Whether they’re whole, sliced or slivered, bulk up salads with walnuts, almonds, pecans, sunflower seeds, shelled pumpkin seeds (pepitas), pistachios and pine nuts.

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