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Treat Your Heart to a Plant-Based Diet
Treat Your Heart to a Plant-Based Diet

Treat Your Heart to a Plant-Based Diet

Heart health is a major concern for Americans; 1 in 4 deaths each year is due to cardiovascular disease. But there are some changes that you can make to protect your heart, according to a 2021 study published in the Journal of the American Heart Association.

According to this study, which followed nearly 5,000 people for over 32 years, eating a plant-based diet can lower the risk of heart disease in young adults by 52%.

Ways to Start a Plant-Based Diet
According to Harvard University’s Harvard Health Publishing, these tips should help you stay on track for your heart’s health:

> Start your day with whole grains. A breakfast of oatmeal, buckwheat, barley or quinoa plus some nuts, seeds and fruit will set up your day for heart health.

> Let veggies dominate your plate. Fill at least half of your plate with veggies and aim for a colorful variety.

> Make salad your centerpiece. If you begin your meal with a salad and build everything around it, your heart will be happy.

> Go for good fats. We keep thinking all fats are bad, which isn’t the case. But you should focus on olive oils, seeds, avocados, nuts and nut butters.

> Minimize meat. You don’t have to go vegetarian for plant-based meals, but you want to think of meat as something you sparingly include in meals, as more garnish than main dish.

> Include plenty of greens. Whether raw, steamed, braised or stir-fried, including collards, kale, spinach, Swiss chard and other green, leafy vegetables is a major goal.

> End the day sweetly. We love our desserts, but switch it up by focusing on fruits for your day’s finale. Don’t cover them up in sugary dishes, but instead let them be the stars.

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