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Protect Your Heart with Oats
Protect Your Heart with Oats

Protect Your Heart with Oats

Heart disease is the number one cause of death for men and women in the U.S. Eating a heart-healthy diet has a significant impact on maintaining a healthy heart. Oats are high in antioxidants and soluble fiber that may help reduce blood pressure and lower cholesterol – two components that impact the risk of heart disease. Try incorporating more oats into your daily diet by trying one of these oatmeal stir-in combos!


Combine cooked old-fashioned oats or overnight oats with your choice of milk or dairy alternative.


Apples + Raisins + Toasted Walnuts + Ground Cinnamon  or

Bananas + Peanut Butter + Hemp Seeds  or

Pears + Greek Yogurt  + Ground Ginger + Pistachios

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