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Breakfast Made Better
Breakfast Made Better

Breakfast Made Better

Recent studies show that those who skip or skimp on breakfast are likely to miss out on key nutrients such as vitamins C and D, fiber, calcium and potassium throughout the day.

During September’s Better Breakfast Month, and beyond, we can give breakfast the respect it deserves and help ourselves in terms of energy, concentration, mood, memory and problem-solving skills. Breakfast eaters tend to have better heart health and lowered risks of type 2 diabetes. It also helps kids improve test scores and attendance.

Elements of a Better Breakfast
Breakfast should encompass all the food groups as much as possible. Think complex carbs, fruits/veggies, protein, whole grains, dairy and healthy fats. Breakfast should eliminate or limit, sugar, processed foods and high calorie/empty nutrient foods.

Keep in mind many foods masquerade as nutritious options but hide loads of sugar, salt, preservatives or additives or saturated fats, so be a label reader.

Making Breakfast Easier
Most folks find mornings difficult to downright chaotic, and breakfast may be the first casualty of the rush. To avoid this, plan ahead.

Don’t buy convenience foods with little nutritional value. Instead, prepare some foods ahead of time so that they are easy to eat on the run or in a hurry. Make a menu of a week’s worth of morning meals and have the components ready to go. For instance, chop almonds and pecans and have them in a sealed container and ready to sprinkle in oatmeal, smoothies or on toast. Have a list of breakfast options written out and displayed on the fridge.

Find timesaving techniques. Make oatmeal in a slow cooker, or find a quick air fryer recipe for a breakfast muffin sandwich. Keep your crisper full of fruits and veggies, and preslice or chop some for convenience. Make sure you have plenty of whole-grain choices available, whether it’s whole wheat muffins, oat flour pancake mix or protein balls.

Don’t forget the beverages, either. Watch for hidden sugars in juices. Better yet, blend up a breakfast smoothie and fortify it with protein powder, nuts, chia seeds or peanut butter. If you are a coffee or tea drinker, learn to lessen the sugar in your mug. Hint: a sprinkle of cinnamon will make it taste sweeter!

Choose proteins wisely. Eggs are great sources of protein, and an occasional chicken or turkey sausage patty that’s low fat is great, too. Nut butters, chia seeds and yogurt or cottage cheese are other great options.

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